Know Thyself

Know Thyself

by Alia Joy “Easily offended? What! I’m not easily offended,” she gasped as she read her results. Her brows were knit together and her face had deepened into a crimson flush as she read through the list of weaknesses commonly associated with her personality type. We sat there watching her whilst trying not to point…

Thoughts from an ISTJ on the Introverted Sensing Type

Thoughts from an ISTJ on the Introverted Sensing Type

Extraversion and Introversion; there are many misconceptions tied to this one letter in Jung’s first pair of psychological preferences in the Myers Briggs. The most popular being: extroverts are outgoing and introverts are shy. And while I must acknowledge the correlation between extroverts and the socially confident individual, I feel like there’s a lot more to it.

The End.

The End.