“What brought you to the area?”

Briana Thomas & Ryan Burkholder

He turned toward the door, caught my eye, smiled, and motioned me to follow. I still had no idea what was up. (I’m not normally that naïve.) As I followed him out onto the porch, having no clue what he wanted, I said, “So I never did ask – what brought you to the area?”

He shut the door behind us, looked me in the eyes, and said, “You did.”

Inside I was an odd mixture of incredulous and slightly amused at the whole situation. On the outside I was quite proud of my composure.

read their love story:
Part One
Part Two

When we are reading love stories, we need to focus on what God has done—not on what the people did—because our very best “rightness” is still worth nothing in the Kingdom of God. It doesn’t guarantee us a single thing. Love stories are about how God moved, even when people didn’t have any idea that He was there.

(Natasha Metzler in "How to Read Love Stories")

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