Thank You Notes

In our family, it’s a required tradition to write thank you notes. After every birthday or holiday, we get out a 4×6 card and make our list of people to thank (preferrably before we put away the gifts, so we actually remember). That includes the great aunts who sent a card, much to our distress in younger years: “Mom, what do I say besides ‘thank you for the card’?”

But despite the sometimes laborious nature of the task, we know the thank yous are always appreciated. In fact, my grandmother has been known to send a “thank you for the thank you note.”

It’s a habit I want to pass on to my children, of always making sure to let people know their thoughtfulness was appreciated, their gift used. (Back when Mom previewed our notes before they were sent, we were informed that we were not to list the dollar amount someone gave us, but instead tell them what we planned to use it for. Usually, that was buying another book or two.)

I have but one Christmas thank you note left on the list today. I’ve saved the easiest for last–I’ll have such fun telling my man thank you for all the sweet things in the flat rate priority mail Christmas package I received!

Then I have three more notes to write. Two “thinking of you” cards (one being a belated birthday wish), and a sympathy card (the kind you never want to have to write).

Who do you need to write a note to today?

written January 2006

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  1. Sometimes sending a “thank you” note for each and everything can seem like a burden/bother (especially if you try and get it out on time!), but it feels so good once its accomplished. I’m then satisfied that I’ve expressed my gratefulness in a respectful and thoughtful manner.

  2. Yesterday my brothers got a thank you note from a young man whose birthday party they attended. They had given him money (the ultimate guy gift), and he had written them a short, funny thank you note in return. I about fell out of my chair when I saw that a guy had written a thank you note. I’ve only known a few guys who do that! But I think it’s a very important courtesy that everyone should practice. It certain speaks loudly–more than just the words inside the card.

  3. *laughs* Oh dear, that would be my fault. Gretchen wrote this back in January but left it for me to post whenever I liked…I chose today without re-reading it. Just so everyone knows, Gretchen is the queen of timely thank-you notes! She puts me to shame. 馃槈

  4. Thank you notes for Christmas gifts in March?!!! My, my, Ms. Baldridge wouldn’t approve. Thank you notes should be sent no later than two weeks after receiving a gift. 馃檪

    I don’t have to write any thank you notes today, but I do have two letters to write.

  5. i still haven’t answered the question, “what do I write besides thanks?” but i had fun describing how the gift was used, or how great the book was. thanks, Gretchen, for the inspiring post. (that’s one of the notes I’ll write today!)